— Choices – Semi Quarterly Newsletter about self – determination in Dane County
Wisconsin State Journal – Sunday’s Best —
— Joel Jones, Piano Technician
– Not many know that Ricardo is also a talented piano tuner in great thanks to his teacher. Joel’s masterful ear for tuning has helped ricardo shaprin his own sense of tone, a priceless skill that Ricardo utilizes on stage.
— Vicki Gale Peterson Jenks
– One of Ricardo’s most valued musical teachers. A wonderful judge of talent as she was able to help Ricardo unlock his musical potential. Vicki also provides beautiful accompaniments on a few of Ricardo’s published CD’s. Vicki is a caring and wonderful person whom without, Ricardo wouldn’t be the performer he is today.
— Cindy Terhune, Terhune Music Studio
-One of Ricardo’s most valued supporters. Cindy dedicates copious amounts of time helping Ricardo perfect and polish his musical skills in preparation for performances.
— Scott Schroedl, scottschroedl.com
-A hardworking local musician and publisher, who was a pivotal piece in the process of Ricardo’s CD recordings thanks to Scott’s privately owned studio. Ricardo and his family owe Scott a depth of gratitude for his teachings and services to help Ricardo and his company grow both locally and nationally.
– An internationally known foundation supporting the advancement of equal opportunity for people with disabilities in the work place. One of Ricardo’s most valued supporting foundations that has awarded him on multiple occasions for his professionalism and work ethic
– One of Ricardo’s most treasured idols. A true visionary and inspiration for all people living with a disability.
– A world renowned autism foundation known for their sensory resources and conferences. It is in thanks to wonderful foundations for autism awareness such as this, that those with disabilities like Ricardo’s are able to reach audiences internationally.
– Decades ago Ricardo was fortunate enough to be enrolled in UCP’s 0 to 3 program where Ricardo’s disability was treated as a pathway of growth as opposed to a roadblock. Theresa Chard has been Ricardo’s broker for about 7 years and has done a wonderful job coming from UCP and helping the Marimba Man pursue his dreams.